There are three separate proceedures that ALL judges follow:
- FIRST APPEARANCE-When you enter the ring, this is the first time a judge sees your dog-and the other
competition. The judge does a quick evaluation and comparison of each dog in the class. After looking at each dog, the judge
will ask all dogs to "go around" the ring and stop at a designated area. This gives the judges a chance to evaluate and compare
the movement of the class dogs.
- HANDS ON-The judge then does a PHYSICAL evaluation of each individual dog in the class.
While doing so, the judge makes mental notes about each dog. Once the judge has examined the dog, he/she then askes for the
dog to be moved at its' required gait. This helps to confirm the physical pluses and faults. A dog can be gaited in many patterns,
the most common is the "down and back" which shows the judge the front and rear movement, and the "triangle" which shows front,
side and rear.
- FINAL GO ROUND-Once all dogs in the class have been examined it is time for the judge to summarize all
evaluations and decide which dog comes closest to the standard.
When your number is called, you will enter the ring in the numerical order listed in the catalogue. If you entered your
dog when the premium list first came out, you will probably be the first dog in the ring. Same as if you entered seconds before
the show closes you will be the last in the class. It is up to the judge to rearrange if he wants to.
If you are at the head of the line, it is common courtesy to ask the person behind you if they are ready when the judge
askes all to gait their dogs.
Always leave adequite space between you and the exhibitor in front of you. NEVER run up on a slow moving dog-even if
your dog moves much faster. Simply hold your dog back a few paces so that your dog still looks its' best when the judge is
looking at you.